Brody McFarland

Web Developer


Project Starscript Image


Social Media website for screenwriters, actors, musicians, and collaborators. Available on ios and Android. Contains a post feed, reel system, real time messenger, commenting, Google OAuth, Video/Image Compression, and much more.

NextJSReact NativeExpressMongo DBJSsocket.ioReduxVanilla CSSFFMPEGsharp
Private CodebaseLink
Project Breathe Ops Image

Breathe Ops

Subscription-based Medical Office Software Suite and Online Directory. Allows you to log daily activity with automatic finance calculations and generate leads and referrals for your practice. Contains a custom map directory, and exportable financial dashboard.

NextJSReact NativeExpressMongo DBJSReduxVanilla CSS
Private CodebaseLink
Project 3-D Portfolio Image

3-D Portfolio

3-D version of portfolio. Shoot the ball at objects by clicking on the ball to interact with the next room.

NextJSTailwindReact Three FiberTypescriptThree.jsCannonJS
Project GET Image


E-Commerce Website, pretty much an amazon clone that uses only local storage instead of a database.

Project Coin Camp Image

Coin Camp

Web3 Crowdfunding Website built on top of the Polygon Mumbai test network.

Project Siphon Image


HTML to JSON web scraping tool for easy text extraction. Built with NextJS, Cheerio, Typescript, and Tailwind.

Project Shipped Image


Online Shopping website built with NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind, Fakestore API, Next Auth, Stripe, React Redux, and Firebase.

NextJSTypescriptTailwindFakestore APINext AuthStripeReact ReduxFirebase
Project Connected Image


Web3 Social Media Website. In order to login, you must mint a non-transferable NFT via the instructions. This new coin will now replace your login credentials, when the token is detected, you will be logged in.

ReactTypescriptTailwindEthers JSSolidityFirebase


(805) 551-3036

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360